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cf. 2020-12-03 プロとスポーツ、あるとする。 言葉と行いは、じつに美しい。 精一杯は、かなしくも美しい。 cf. cf. Near Banbridge town in the County Down, One morning last July. Down a bóithrín green came a sweet cailín, And she smiled as she passed me by She looked so sweet from her two bare feet To the sheen of her nut brown hair, Such a coaxing elf, sure I shook myself, To be sure I was really there. *And from Bantry Bay up to Derry Quay, And from Galway to Dublin town, No maid I've seen like the fair cailín That I met in the County Down. As she onward sped I scratched my head, And I gazed with a feelin' quare, There I said, says I, to a passer by "Who's the maid with the nut brown hair"? Oh! be smiled at me, and with pride, says he "That's the gem of Ireland's crown, Young Rosie McCann, from the banks of the Bann, She's the Star of the County Down." * Tho' I'd roamed a bit, I was never hit Since my roving career began ; Ah but fair and square I surrendered there To the charms of young Rose McCann, With a heart to let, no tenant yet, Did I meet with in shawl or gown, Ah but in she went and I asked no rent, From the Star of the County Down. * She'd a soft brown eye with a look so sly, And a smile like the sun in June. And you hung on each note from her round white throat, As she lilted an Irish tune, At the crossroads dance you were held in trance, As she tripped thro' a reel or a jig. But when her eye she'd roll she could coax 'pon my soul A spud from a hungry pig. * At the Harvest Fair she'll be surely there, So I'll dress in my Sunday clothes, And I'll try sheep's eyes and deludtherin lies, On the heart of the nut brown Rose. No pipe l'll smoke no horse I'll yoke, Tho' my plough with rust turn brown, Till a smiling bride by my own fireside, Sits the Star of the County Down. * cf. McGarvey (1866–1927) cf.
by sato_ignis
| 2022-01-31 23:27
| 音楽
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