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一 血潮と代へし遼東に 彷徨ふ魂 (たま)の叫び聞け 黄砂白草(はくさう)風吹けば 夜は戰聲のなからめや 義戰の跡も早已(はやすで)に 見よ韓山の空の色 日は長白に傾きて 李氏の社稷や今奈何(いかん)」 二 聞けコサツクの矢叫(やさけび)に 王道の頌絶えむとす 文字同じき經典の 教は古き孔聖が 仁の名、國と氓びなば 四億の民はまた生きじ かの黎民を憐まば 咄、人道の賊を斬れ」 三 黑龍一たび血に染みて 五千の生靈鬼なりき 虐殺いまだ飽かざるに 又キシ子フに累屍あり ザーの軍(いくさ)と稱(たた)へてし スラヴの兵は賊なりき 神人(しんじん)ともに憤る 史上の罪の消べしや」 四 萬國平和を唱へたる 爾(なんぢ)の言葉今いづこ 條約 (ちかひ)を宣べし嘴に 滿洲の粟(ぞく)與へんや 東、扶桑に國を成す わが民族の發程は 魯人を斬て犠牲(いけにへ)に 平和の神を祭るべし」 五 平和の光りうらゝかに 影東海に輝けば われ商神の杖(つゑ)とりて 萬古富强の基(もと)おかむ 鐵火はためく戰塲は 家國の運命(さだめ)君に俟つ 往け忠勇の我友よ 往け軍國の烈丈夫(れつじやうふ) 」 ”MARCH ON RUSSIA” (1904) 1. Hark to the wail of the disenbodied spirits over Liautung that was once purchased with their blood ! When the wind blows drear at night o'er the yellow sands and white fields, does it bring no sound of strife? The traces of the righteous war have long since vanished, but see! over the mountains of Kan the sky is low'ring. The sun sinks behind the range of chohaku and what shall be the doom of its ancient dynasty ? 2. Hark! At the slogan of the Cossacks, the virtues of sovereignty totter. If the benevolence, which ancient Confucian sages have taught in the scriptures written in the books common to us all should perish with the country, then 400 millions people will fall never to rise again. If you pity them arise and slay the cursed foes of humanity. 3. The waters of the Amur once flowed with blood and five thousand lives perished. Yet, massacre was not satiated and at Kishineff too there was a heap of corpses. They call themselves the soldiers of the Tsar—the Slavs—they are all robbers. The History that records their crimes against God and man will never be blotted out. 4. Where now are your words that talked of universal peace? Shall that mouth that swore the oath now feed on Manchuria ? In the east, in the Land of Fuso, our patriotic people have arisen and will slay Russians as an offering to the God of peace. 5. When peace sheds its bright lustre over the Eastern Sea, then we taking the staff of the Merchant God shall lay strong and firm the foundations of permanent prosperity. When the sword-blade flashes on the battle field the fate of our Home Land rests with you. Advance comrades, tried and true! Advance, strong sons of a martial land. (Translated by the Japan Herald) 馬塲恒吾・安孫子貞次郎編著「英和對譯 日露戰記録」有樂社 明治三十七年三月十七日 cf.
by sato_ignis
| 2020-07-15 03:58
| 音楽
ファン申請 |